On January 5th 2006, in Genoa (Italy) Luigi Ferraro died in the arms of his siblings. His wife Orietta had already passed away two years before. The President of the Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, on hearing the news of the death of the Lieutenant Commander Luigi Ferraro, who earned the Gold Medal for Military Valour, sent a message expressing his sorrow and condolence to his relatives and to the President of the Gold Medals of Military Valour C.C. M.O.V.M. Umberto Rocca. The state funeral took place on January 9th. The procession moved from S.Francesco d’Assisi square, along via Corsica up to the church Chiesa del Sacro Cuore, in Carignano. The casket, laid on a gun mount and enveloped in the Italian flag, was escorted by seven commandos, one of whom held the cushion featuring his medals and military ranks. Gonfaloni and Bandiere were present along with a large crowd of civil and military authorities. Honours were paid by the armed forces and by the Italian Navy, especially by the platoon Divers and commandos Group "Teseo Tesei". At the entrance of the church, the Italian Navy's Band played the Funeral March. Representatives from the Italian Navy were present at the funeral as well as everyone involved in underwater activities Departments: the Carabinieri, the Police, Fire fighters, the Financial Police, etc. and all Military Combatant Associations of Genoa and La Spezia. The official honours were paid by the Chief of Defence Staff, Admiral DI PAOLA together with the Chief of Staff, Admiral BIRAGHI in the presence of the Commander of the Maritime Division of La Spezia, Admiral LERTORA, the Commander of the commandos, Admiral PAPERINI, the Prefect of Genoa, Dr. Giuseppe ROMANO, the Mayor of Genoa Prof. Pericu, representatives from the Council, from Provincial and Regional administrations and from the local police headquarters. The Military Ordinary, Monsignor BAGNASCO celebrated the Holy Mass surrounded by a large crowd that filled the church Chiesa del Sacro Cuore and of San Giacomo in Carignano and the large churchyard. His relatives requested that his remains be buried in the Pantheon of Staglieno Cemetery in Genoa, where all the influential people from Genoa are laid to rest. However, for political reasons, the municipal council declared the request inadmissible because of the "fascist" connotations of their relative. In this respect, the conclusion of a story by Giovannino Guareschi springs to mind. The Mayor Peppone listened to the debate in which the municipal consultative council decided not to grant the request of an old teacher from the village, who was on the verge of death and asked to be buried with "her flag", the one featuring her coat of arms. Then he affirmed that the teacher's wish should be fulfilled anyway "as I have more respect for her as a dead woman than I have for all of you alive". Ferraro's remains were taken by Trieste, where he rests in peace with his wife Orietta Romano, in her Family's Grave, within the cemetery of S. Anna, field No. 11.
 IMAGES | click to enlarge | |  | The casket, laid on a gun mount escorted by six Carabiniers, seven Commandos and Gonfaloni | |  | Blue color of the uniforms of the Navy, Green of the commandos, Red of the numerous Fire Brigade Divers | |  | The casket enveloped in the Navy Italian flag, on the cushion his medals and military ranks | |  | Amm. Di Paola, the highest Italian Military Authority and other high Military authorities | |