Pinocchio Mask

Another of Ferraro's inventions that was destined to leave a permanent mark in the evolution of diving equipment, is the Pinocchio mask, which again, he designed for Cressi in 1952.

The Monogoggle, the prototype of all masks, was a French invention that only covered the eyes and excluded the nose. For this reason, it was not able to compensate for external pressure. The next generation of diving masks improved comfort and were more effectively sealed but could not resolve the problem of pressure compensation as the nose was still covered by the glass. Ferraro was the first man to design a rubber face shield which is soft and, as it covers the nose, enables the wearer to easily compensate for external pressure on the eardrum. His invention was successful worldwide, not only because of the feature mentioned above, but also because of its reduced size, its excellent adhesion to the face and its good visibility.

A veritable "cult" within the diving mask field, Pinocchio was the most famous mask in the world. Venerated by generations of divers, it was such an advanced design when it was introduced on the market that it is still valid today, over fifty years later. Pinocchio is still produced by Cressi Sub today and it is certainly the diving product that has been on the market the longest.


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Maschera Pinocchio
Maschera Pinocchio